Sunday, January 31, 2010


This weekend we got several inches of snow. Ryan said it was around 6 inches. Thus, I did not get to run in the 5k I had planned to run in yesterday. So I guess I'll have to do 2 races in February to make up not having done any in January. My mileage for January was 42.21 miles. It should have been more. I have totally slacked off with my running. I am determined to get back on track in February. Hopefully the roads in our neighborhood will be good by Tuesday so I can run outside.

Penny absolutely loved the snow. She wanted to stay outside and play all day. We had to call her in periodically so she wouldn't get too cold. Here are some pictures of the snowfall.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Get Back on the Train!

This past week I really slacked on my running. We did our long run of 8 miles on Monday and then I only did one other run. Eight miles was tough and my knees were pretty achy for the next couple of weeks. So I think it was kind of good that I took the rest of the week to kind of recover. So this past week's mileage is a bit lower than it should be.

Mon: 8 miles
Thurs: 2 miles

Total: 10 miles

Today we took Penny to the Matteson Trail and ran 3 miles. It was a good run. Running with Penny kind of pushes me to run faster...or should I say Penny pulls me. My avgerage pace was 10:27 mins/mile. I thought that was great. The last time I ran at the Matteson Trail was for a Halloween 5K and I finished in 36 mins. So I've shaved off 4-5 mins of my time. I plan on running a 5K this coming Saturday, hopefully I'll be able to run in it the same pace I ran today!

I have to get back on this running train and stick with my training schedule. The half marathon will be here before we know it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


This week's mileage:
Sun: 4.08
Tues: 3
Thurs: 2
Fri: 2.15

Total Miles: 11:23 miles

I have a scheduled long run of 8 miles tomorrow, but I think I am going to save it for Monday for a couple of reasons: 1) it is suppose to rain tomorrow and 2) the husband is out of town until tomorrow evening and I don't want to run that far by myself.

Since Monday is a holiday I can push back the long run and do it on Monday. I'll have the day off!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Treadmill Run = Awful

I used to enjoy running on the treadmill. Now I can't stand it. After work today I decided to do my 3 mile run on the treadmill. That was a big mistake. It was awful. It was even painful. My shins started to hurt and I almost gave up. I finished my 3 miles by doing run/walk intervals. Which is fine, but when I can run 7 miles without stopping to walk outside I should be able to run 3 easily on the treadmill. I don't know what has shifted, but now I would much rather complete my runs outside. Plus, according to my Garmin my pace is faster when I run outside. Hmmm...who knew!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fresh Start

This past week I did not get much running in. Aside from my long run last Sunday, I only ran 2 other times. Which is not great, but I did do more strength training so I guess that is a positive.

Weekly Mileage:
Sun: 7.13 miles (11:37 avg. pace)
Tues: 2 miles on the treadmill
Fri: 3.08 miles
Total for the week: 12.21 miles

I'm off to a fresh start with a 4 mile run this afternoon. That was the scheduled long run for today, which I don't consider long anymore. Hopefully the rest of the week I'll be able to complete all of my runs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Since the Shamrock 1/2 Marathon was full when we went to register I had been looking for a replacement. A friend informed me of the Dismal Swamp Stomp 1/2 Marathon in April. I think this will actually be a better deal for Ryan and I. It gives us another month to train and it is cheaper! So as of Tuesday morning Ryan and I are registered to run in the SWAMP STOMP on April 17, 2010. Hey, I even think the name sounds better than the Shamrock!

(Sorry the picture is so blurry. Not quite sure how to make it better.)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

30 Day Shred

After reading many reviews of 30 Day Shred I decided to go ahead and try it out. It was on sale for $9, so I picked it up today after work. After completing my treadmill run I popped in the DVD and did level 1. It wasn't too bad. But it was a good 20 minute workout. I plan on doing Level 1 10 times and then moving up to Level 2 for 10 times and then Level 3. Hopefully it will help me to shed or SHRED some pounds. I thought running would have helped with that but I haven't lost a single pound. I need to get back to some strength training hopefully with 3DS, Kettlebells and BodyPump at the gym I'll be looking and feeling better.